The Shits
auralorgasm:: Smashing Pumpkins - Stand inside your love
I just finished watching Dogtown and the Z-boys (the documentary, not the movie) and I'm feeling fuckin mad coz I feel I've just missed out on something great. Doesn't help that I'm hungry and I want breakfast but at the same time I'm too lazy to go out and eat.
My world is full of shit. Gah.
So peeved, so irritated. Such a fucked up sunday morning with nothing to look forward to. Fuck it, I think I'll attempt to make my morning a bit more tolerable by having my favourite breakfast - Four pieces of toast with butter and sugar, two eggs, one cup of kopi-o, and a cigarette.
Maybe two sticks.
Ahh I'm feeling better already.
Okay just finished my meal and I'm feeling just fineeeeeeeeeeee w00t.
auralorgasm:: Marilyn Manson - Astonishing Paranoma of the Endtimes
The first Manson song I ever heard. How nostalgic.

Got rice?