One thing I really loathe about NS life is how it fucks up my body clock. Because of this major problem, I kept falling asleep while watching The Banquet yesterday at 2am. Fuckkk.
Anyway, The Banquet is a lovely visual feast. Storywise it's okay but I'm getting quite sick of the whole fighting choreography thing. No doubt it's nice and graceful and beautiful to westerners but personally, it gets old pretty quick. Probably because I grew up on Once Upon A Time in China style gongfu flicks, whereby the choreography is fast and furious, not like the current fad where it's all like Crouching-Tiger-Hidden-Dragonlike. So slow, so graceful, so plastic.
However, the sets are really impressive, the props elaborate, but what's with the women's eyebrows in the film? I thought I'd seen the last of those eyebrows after I watched Rashomon. WEIRDASS. Thank God I don't live in that era, if not I'd turn gay.

Fucking squirrels shaved my eyebrows while I was asleep.

Heh heh heh, spot the similarities?
Okay enough of taking the piss out of weird-eyebrowed women. One revelation I discovered about people recently is that people are only happy when they have stuff to complain about. I think it's just human nature to whine about everyfuckingthing on planet earth.

Peace by the river.