auralorgasm:: Arcade Fire - Neighbourhood #3 (Power Out)
I'm going to abandon blogger soon. It's starting to really suck. Livejournal's looking quite good from where I'm standing.
Went around to take some pictures today and was stopped by the progress of the human race. Am going to try again tomorrow.
On a side note, I'm feeling down. Would anyone like to try cheering me up?
I'm trying to fend off this feeling of depression with some dark chocolate which Cherie brought back from Korea. Everytime I pop one in my mouth, I feel better for about 5 minutes, before it dissolves in my mouth and I'm left with just the bitter.
I would hate to abandon this blog though. Too many pictures and memories lie buried within it's archives. I really hope blogger solves whatever shit it has soon.
Kill me.

Guess you can't stop progress.