Kopi-O and Hunkee.
I've discovered a new indulgence.
Kopi-O and hunkee.
Translated as black coffee and cigarettes. Damn shiok.
Also, a new chocolate by Nestle. I think it's called Aero. It's a chocolate bar made up of bubbles. Wonderful wonderful wonderful shit.
I never had a thing for coffees, I was more of a tea person. But since redbull's like a fucking 2.70 per can, I've resorted to cheaper alternatives like coffee. It used to be that whenever I drank coffee, I would feel nauseous and sick. But I have no idea why I'm suddenly so resistant to that.
I was at the coffeeshop this afternoon eating lunch when at the corner of my eye I saw movement. I turned my head and I saw a tank with frogs inside. Frogs waiting to be slaughtered and turned into somebody's dinner. All of the frogs inside weren't moving, just stoning but there was this one frog that kept on leaping at the sides of the tank. When that didn't work, it jumped up on the other stoning frogs and started to use them as a platform. Alas, that didn't work. The tank was utterly frog-escape proof. But the fucking thing just kept on trying and trying and trying.
I thought of buying the thing and setting it free but then I decided that since we're all fucked anyway, there's absolutely no reason why that fucking frog should be free and why I should still be caged up. So I said fuck you, gave it the finger, and I went home.

Just for fuck's sake.
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