Dedicated to the Spider.
One reason why Spider's my best pal.
She gave me my long-overdue birthday presents. Only few this year. All from her. All handpicked and chosen with care.
1 pair of Shanghai Tang chopsticks (She thought I damn 'jiak kantang' one so she wanted to teach me culture by getting me something chinese which she thought I wouldn't know how to use. Turns out that I'm more proficient with the chopsticks than she. Haha.)
1 book about bigfoot written by bigfoot (some guy called graham something. It's an arty thing but it's funny as hell.)
A shirt which I couldn't fit into hur.
A piece of durian cake from bangkok and
some dark chocolate.
I really dig this Spider of mine.
K.C Spider, thank you so very much. I appreciate it many many many and alot alot alot. It's not the gifts themselves, but the thought and the time spent choosing these gifts that touches me. Not very costly money-wise but extremely valuable to me in terms of sentimental value. Again, I thank thee.

The light in my dark. You.
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