I am amazed at the speed at which some people do production. Too fucking fast and too fucking efficient. Bloody amazing.
Lighting for each shot set up within 15 minutes. Wah lan eh.
But I got some really lovely photos hur hur hur. Finally picked up the camera again to shoot. I'm bloody out of practice though, some of the shots with great potential didn't turn out too well. Damn disappointing. Missed one great opportunity to shoot at the hostel at Kaki Bukit on sunday because I didn't bring my cam. That place has got character omg. It's a hostel for the foreign labourers and oh man, I was kicking myself for not bringing my cam. Damn wasted sigh. Never mind, there will always be other chances.
My sister's friend went to England and brought back a leaf from William Wordsworth's garden. I have never liked poetry but I thought it'll be nice if I could take a picture of the leaf placed on one of his poems. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any of his poems in my house (which is kind of surprising, seeing that my brother and sister are great fans of his. I wonder where all his works went.), so I had to settle for Susan Hill's King of the Castle. But I guess if I didn't say it, most of you wouldn't know who he was and what he wrote so it was a bloody waste of time on my part. Bah.
Today has been a really weird day. I'm having lots of dizzy spells. I think I'm not having enough sleep, either that or I'm being overworked lol. I think it's the former though. Overworked? Hahaha. I call it killing time.
Gonna meet up with Marcus to talk about the soundtrack for Kiat now. I'll post more later.
P.S: I'm in denial again. I hate periods like these. So fucking distracting.
P.P.S: My phone fucked up yesterday. I don't know how the fuck it happened but I lost every single fucking number inside. It won't be such a big blow if I lost only the numbers but the thing is, I thought of a tune for Kiat's soundtrack and for fear of forgetting it, I recorded me humming into my phone. Now it's gone. And I've forgotten what's the tune. Fuck. Anyway, it'll be really nice and convenient if the people who read this sms me with their name so I can re-save them into my phonebook. If not I'll have to scurry around asking for numbers and I hate doing that. Oh wait, it could have some advantages.
Oh yes it definitely could have hur hur hur. Friendster, you.are.going.to.work.for.me.

A leaf from his book.
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