Poff am teh pwnz0r j00!
Yay. I had fun today. For the very first time in the whole history Poff's gigging career, I actually had fun. I finally conquered my stage fright wooohooo! Fuck it just play, and I did! Hahaha.
But unfortunately we had some technical faults with the guitars. Wasted like 5 minutes onstage trying to tune a guitar that just suddenly went out of tune. That part fucked up but it's not Weiliang's fault and I guess as live musicians we've got to learn from our mistakes. Henceforth, we'll be bringing an extra guitar to all our live sets so as to not waste time with fucked up technical stuff. Just plug in the extra and play. Rawr.
Mervyn was really great today. His showmanship really improved a lot. Fucking staring at the audience like one kind wahahaha. Head bang until cap drop off; copy TTT Daniel only eh? But it's all goooood.
What's most significant about this gig is that we've started to really improve as a band. Wait, let me rephrase that - Our new songs affected the audience more than our old songs ever did. Which means only one thing.
We have hit it on the head. Cracked it at last. The winning formula. Yay.
Thank God we decided to scrap the old songs. I cannot bear thinking about keeping them, don't even talk bout recording them. Yechhh.
Okay here are the peekchures (word borrowed from Denise. HAH! Lets see someone accuse me of plagiarism now!).


This picture nice sial. Content not nice but composition nice. Could have been a bit tighter though.

The Sound Guy.

Dom getting owned by baby.

We am teh POFF.

Dom again.


Me. Who else?

Green acting all emo during The Lonely hur hur hur.


Cheggout the sweat.
Post gig.

From left, Hayley, Mervyn, and the disturbance in the force.

From right, Green, Miguel, Johnathan, and the guy whose name I didn't get. :/

Presentingggg, the twins. From left, Nigel and Miguel. Cheggout Nigel's smile. Kanina humsup like one kind.

Poff am teh pwnz0r j00.
I really gotta start sleeping early and doing my work.
Prioritise, prioritise, prioritise!
P.S: Oh yes one more thing. ALL pictures other than post gig ones were taken by Nigel. Poff thanks him for being one of their many official photographers. Heh.
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