It's happened again. I couldn't fall asleep. It was really amazing that I survived Production Planning coz it was totally boring this shit out of me. Try not sleeping for one night and then go to a 3 hour tutorial class dealing with paperwork and corporate bull, then you'll know how I felt. Sigh.
Don't even think of asking why I couldn't sleep. -mutters- I need some time to get over the disappointment.
Gig this sunday. I'm not sure whether I'm ready for it yet. The drum parts of the new song hasn't really gotten into my head yet and I'm afraid that I'll fuck up. I know that I keep on saying fuck it and go play but it's an innate fear within me. It's been an ongoing thing since like forever. Ah fuck it just go play. Don't think, just play.
By golly, I really hope I can pull this one off.
Aiight enough of the tension. Here are two people with fucked up names for you to laugh your balls off at. Let us all welcome, Chew Shit Fu and Gaye Males!
And I thought my name was bad -sniggers-
Hey I'm not being mean. You've got to admit that it's funny heh.
In other news, did anyone notice that Blink 182 seems to have lost their mojo for performing gigs lately? I mean if you've been keeping up with them, downloading their live vids and whatnot (only because of Travis heh), both Mark and Tom seem to smile less often and they move around the stage more slowly. Compare that to Blink a year ago and there's a world of a difference. Travis is just as intense on his drumkit so I don't think there's much change in his performing attitude. I think they've finally gotten sick of being rockstars heh.
Okay so maybe I'm the only one who noticed.
I'm smoking a lot more nowadays. Like 15 sticks every day. Fucking hell at this rate I'm gonna die of lung cancer before I'm 35. Gotta cut down on my nicotine intake. But I swear there's nothing more therapeutic than sitting down, smoking and talking cock with a bunch of friends.
I figured out that supporting myself is easy. I survive on 50 bucks on a weekly basis. I don't have much needs. The last time I bought something for myself was uhm quite a few months back. Now I'm in need of new drum sticks. But I've got no cash to buy. Fuck. I need two pairs at least coz my current ones are gonna snap any time now. I've already bound them with masking tape so they'll hold for like 1 or 2 more jam sessions but I don't think they can last till gig time. I need at least 30 bucks. Anyone wanna donate 30 bucks to me?
Btw, my heartfelt thanks to Green for getting me a pair but unfortunately, I really can't use it coz it's wayyyy too thick. it's almost twice as thick as my current pair. But it's the thought that counts so thanks anyway.
Which reminds me. Mervyn's birthday is on friday, which is in 1 day's time and I haven't thought of what to get him yet. Was initially thinking to pool some money together with the guys and get him the bass pedal that he wanted but unfortunately those dicks have already gotten him his presents already. Urgh. Now I have to think of something else. Weiliang and Dom already settled their bit already and now I'm the only one that hasn't gotten something for him yet.
I could fly in the face of convention and say 'So what if everyone is giving him something?! I'm gonna be different and not give him anything so HAH' but unfortunately I haven't sunk into that depth of bastardom yet so I guess I'll still have to get him something.
Oh man.
This totally blows.
Furthermore, I don't think I've got enough budget to jam so many times this week to prepare for the gig on sunday, go out with the people on friday, get Mervyn a present, get new drum sticks and get a pack of cigarettes coz the pack which I bought last night just ran out. Fuck.
Expenses, expenses and more expenses.
There's got to be more to life than this.

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