A night to remember.

3 gay guys. Yes, that's make up on their faces.

Jas looks so fucking huge.

Eh no, it's just because Stacey's tiny. XD

Rashad is so damned photogenic.

Praying before going onstage. I swear they were speaking in tongues. I thought I had run into a cult meeting.

Fadhil looking dumb. 'nuff said.

Yiying looks so fucking sweet here, you just wanna grab and kiss her. The downside is that she'll probably fidget her way out of your grasp, hence the fuzzy image.


Jiayuan and Audrey.

Halawah looking dumb.


Salleh and Shaifu getting it on onstage.

Crew of Bottled Dreams. Directed by Shaifu, starring Edwina, Rashad, Salleh, Shaifu, Weiliang, Yiying.

Stacey doing something that I would have loved to do to Adi.

Cast of Hide It, Written by JY, directed by Fadhil and starring Adi, Joyce, Sara (the guy in red shirt), and Stacey.

Can you feel the emo-ness?

Uhm. Ahem.

This is PSF. JY and Yiying are absent coz they were doing something more useful with their time instead of taking stupid photos.

Yes that's me, Jvlz, longhaired dumbass. Pardon the bad picture, it's hard to get a good pic when you're not looking at the LCD.
Ahh. Tonight was the night of production. Kudos to the cast and crew of both 'Hide It' and 'Bottled Dreams'. You guys did swell. Restecp.
It just feels so good to be wielding a cam again.
Tonight was also the night of revelations. Not really a revelation since I already knew what was going to happen even before it started anyway. But it's always nice to be proven right. Not so nice for her of course, since it was her who got her heart shattered. But I did warn her and so did her friend so I have nothing on my conscience.
Fuck you for being such a flirt. You know who you are, I don't have to say anything. I bet you have an idea of how much you're hated right now. Jumping from girl to girl and stroking your own ego, think it's fun don't you? HAH. You have no bloody idea how many people know of you and your philandering ways. Oh well, I'm not in any position to lecture you anyhow so go do whateverthefuck you want. But let it be known to you that people do know what you're doing. Not everyone is blind you know.
In other news, I've got an infection. An infection of the worst sort. The dreaded word starting with 'L'. Fuck. I haven't felt this way in aeons. This surely can't lead to anything good.
Yes you dumbfucks the word is called love.
I think of her when I take a dump, think of her when I'm being an ass, think of her when I drum, think of her before I sleep, think of her when I'm taking photos of other asses (literal or otherwise), damn I feel sick.
I think I'm having an adverse reaction to this feeling. My mind and body is just so not used to it. It's been so long...
And I wonder/
As I sing along with you/
If everything could ever feel this real forever/
If anything could ever be so good again/
Only thing I'll ever ask of you/
You've got to promise not to stop when I say so/
She said/
[Foofighters - Everlong]
Heh. -blush- SHY LAH.
Okay Musikart '04 is definitely on. Hah. I'm coming back to PSF to organise the thing. I hope there won't be any technical fuck ups this year like what happened last year. I hope for a better crowd too. Oh fuck it, since I'm already hoping, I'm hoping to incorporate hiphop with rock this year too. Local music is local music after all. Date, venue and artistes not confirmed yet. Gonna invite local band to play too. Hah. Gonna be fun. I hope.
Poff has a gig 4th July. Got a couple of new songs that we're gonna play. Come if you can, it's gonna be really fun.
Hmmm I guess that's it for tonight. I feel like posting more but I don't know what to say. Hah. Fuck it.
Will she return my affections...?
hey dude! it has been a long time! how's things? nice pics. too bad, i wasn't there. MUSIK ART'04!? sounds cool! see ya around for cig.
geez julz is that you with that long hair???
i like! *drool*
the length of yr hair kinda indicate how long i havent met ya man.... the last time i saw ya, ya had.... some parts of hair shaved off.. lol.
ooooh so whos that cutie u think of when ya take a dump? LOL. hilarious julz hilarious.
i'll bet she's in one of the pics. is she? -grin-
all the best with that big L.
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