Remembering Memories.
auralorgasm:: Armour for Sleep - My Town
I need my camera back! I'm currently disabled for my black and white class coz my cam's being repaired. Gahhh. Anybody can lend me an SLR? Any type will do as long as it's SLR. Only need it for 2 days.
auralorgasm: Ex-Girl - Rocket Keronian
This band is just so fucking wack. Gotta love them.
This game seems really cool. Wouldn't mind playing it. Finally, a game that wouldn't get boring.
I wonder when I'll finish posting pictures from Cambodia. Still got quite a few more to go. I gave up on sorting them out. Posting randomly. I kinda like this three photos. I dunno why.
Semester's starting out with a bang, I'm just hoping I won't go out in a fizz. Got fuckloads of work coming in plus I think specialist will ruin us haha. What a fun prospect. Yay.



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