Human Tragedy.
Pol Pot caused the death of more than 2 million cambodians in 3 and a half years. Tuol Sleng, a concentration camp of sorts at Phnom Penh, caused more than 10,000.
I think we shouldn't judge him because he probably had his reasons for genocide. Who are we to define morality?
I only regret that I wasn't skillful enough a photographer to capture the pain and sorrow these people went through. Will post more later. Need sleep.
*edit: Read about Cambodian history and the indignities the Cambodians went through till today. Cambodian history is really quite interesting, not at all boring, at least to me. Uhm. Just read it.


White Bones.

Headbones II. Time don't make holes in skulls. Bullets do.

Headbones III.

Headbone IV.

Metal Bed.

The dead.

More dead.

I doubt this guy knew what was coming.


Shackles to feet that once were.

hey nice pics
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