Monday, December 27, 2004

Hope for a better tomorrow. (which will probably get shot down)

Khalil's 19 today and there's nothing I wish for him more than to be happy.

Happy birdday you indie bugger. Hahaha.

I'm hoping like I've never hoped before that everything will turn out okay today. Please please please please.

Wah fuck scared.

I hope I don't fuck up today. If not, I'm gonna be so ticked off at myself. I've had enough nights of forehead slapping and groaning aloud. SHITTTTT.

Okay shut up now.

I just bought the Sony ne10 and new headphones. The Sony ne10 had to be bought since my sister wanted my discman but I gotta admit, the headphones were pretty unnecessary. My justification for the purchase is that the headphones in the editing room suck and I would edit better with my own set of proper soundproofed headphones. Which of course is a load of bullshit but hey, I'll feel guilty otherwise. My other justification is that I rarely buy stuff for myself and since this is one of the few occasions, why not?

Ok now it's time to survive on bread for the rest of the month. It's either that or I quit smoking. I stand by the former choice.

OR I could get a job at starfucks.

But then I'll feel suicidal almost everyday and I don't think that's a very healthy situation to be in.

Watched Woody Allen's Love and Death for the second time and it's enormously enjoyable. I'm so glad I got my brother to borrow it again haha. Oh, my brother's getting to be really good at macro-buggery-photography. Which means he's now snapping pictures of bugs in closeup (beetles, praying mantises, whatnot) whenever he has the chance. Some of the shots are really quite orgasmic. Macam national geographic haha. I'm quite proud of him.

Okay having 2 really fucked up classes tomorrow. I hate IS classes. I'll like to know which dipshit ever suggested having IS in school. Totally fuckin irrelevant. Waste of brain cells and waste of time. Gahh.


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