The Little Old Chinese Woman.
The Incredibles were worth every single cent I paid for the ticket. I wouldn't mind paying more too. Fantastique. Absolutely fanfuckingtastique.
And not an art film. :D
Tonight was the best night I've had in a long time. The original plan was to catch The Incredibles alone but HJ came along for the ride.
But before that I was at HMV, visiting my old haunt (the toilet at level 1 where I spent most of my time sleeping while waiting for people.) and buying a fuckload of DVDs and VCDs. Blew about 80 bucks on that. I call it pre-prepayment. In anticipation of the ITP pay to come, which is about 600 dollars. Hahaha.
Films I bought:
- Raising Victor Vargas
- Goodbye Lenin
- Divine Intervention
- Lost in Translation
- The Boy who plays on the Buddhas of Bamiyan (documentary)
- Son of the Bride
I swear I couldn't help it. The christmas season lowered the prices so much. When I saw Raising Victor Vargas and Goodbye Lenin on the shelves, I just couldn't resist anymore. Buy, buy, buy, and buy. I'm no minion of consumerism but in this case, takboleh tahan ah (in the spirit of hari raya).
Also, I think I've located the girl who sang for Cradle of Filth's Nymphetamine. She sings for this goth-metal band which isn't so good but fuck it, I really dig her voice.
While walking to my van to put my newly purchased items, this little old woman stopped me and asked me in chinese for 2 dollars so that she could eat. She didn't look or sound crazy, and her voice was so gentle. The expression on her face was one of perfect serenity. I have never seen such beauty before. Ironically, I was using the calculator feature on my phone to make sure that I had enough to live on for the remainder of the month.
She asked for 2 but I gave her 4 coz she just looked so much at peace with the world. She was so grateful that it was embarrassing standing there. When I walked away, I suddenly felt ashamed of myself. I have so much to give (no matter how broke I am), but this little old woman has nothing at all, not even money to buy a bowl of noodles. I turned back, meaning to give another 10 but for an old woman, she walks pretty damn fast. She was quite far away by the time I saw her.
Maybe I should have ran after her to press the rest of the cash into her hands but I didn't. I just stood there and watched her walk away. Then I wondered what was her story.
I hope she found something to fill her stomach. I hope that she found a place where she can spend the night. I wish that I had given more.
Sigh, regret.
Got home and started to transfer files to my newly formatted laptop. This is what happened.

Yes, I named my laptop Herpes.
Yours truly.

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