Friday, July 30, 2004

I hate technology.

First it was my main com, now it's my laptop. It's official. My laptop's internet connectivity is dead. Which means a lot of stuff I've been meaning to post up will be stuck in there forever and ever. Or at least until I decide to bring it to MEL to get it fixed up.

Don't look for an update so soon, come back in like 3 weeks and maybe there'll be an update.

(But then again maybe I'm just being a bastard and there'll be a proper post tomorrow only that if you did believe me today you won't be able to see it so HAH fuck you.)

La di da.

In other news, everything's going fine. I'm in a state of blissful ignorance and I intend to stay this way. No use bothering myself about stuff which doesn't concern me. My main worry now is just production planning. I'm sooo behind everything.

Ah fuck it.


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