Poff - The Lonely is now known as Solivagus. Fuck what you think of the name, I don't care. I think it's nice.
Taking care of Numero Uno I call it.
Anyway, I really gotta start watching what I say. I apparently was rude to Amah and she got pissed off at me although I swear I didn't mean to be rude to her. Honestly, confirm plus guarantee. Why ah I always like that. I seem to find it cathartic to pull cheap shots at people just for the kick of it. (But for Amah I didn't even know I was rude.)
I'm such a fuckwad.
Not been posting really nice posts OR regularly due to school. Second year is uhm.. not fun. I mean yeah I've gotten closer to some people in my course and that in itself is worth going to school for but the modules are damn tedious. I'm kinda worried that I might fail multitrack because I have no fucking idea what the lecturer is talking about most times. Who the fuck fails multitrack anyway. Production planning is fucking simple but it's sooooo boring and repetitive that it becomes a killer module. Assignments for that come in week after week and they pile up after a short while. I guess my favourite modules this sem might be Documentary Production and Film Theory.
Random Thoughts:
The new blogger is fucked and retarded. I prefer the old one.
I still cannot stand incompetence.
I really gotta start sleeping early and going home early after school. The main reason why I've been procrastinating so much is because every day after school, I stay back and lepak. So fucking dumb of me. MUST GO HOME NEXT TIME.
I want dreadlocks and I want them now. Gimme!
I want to record Solivagus asap.
I want a new song to work on.
My needs are so fucking simple hur hur hur. Smokes, food, water and friends to lepak with.
Fuck lah cannot cannot. Must do my work. MUST DO MY WORK.
Okay 'nuff said, my bed beckons.

Uncle Fish Clubber.
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