How to piss me off, Part 1.
Keep messaging me stupid mindless questions which you expect me to answer almost every day.
If you really want to know then fine I'll tell you.
My day is always fucked, I am always feeling fucked, most probably I don't like you (and never will) and you'll be better off wasting your time on someone else because I sure don't appreciate all this attention.
You don't have to 'try to make me feel better' almost everytime I say I'm feeling fucked because I'll NEVER feel better. You can NEVER make me feel better. NEVER TRY TO COUNSEL ME. If I want to tell someone my problems, I'll go to the people that know me well (read: Poff and a few other individuals). I don't share my problems with people I hardly know. Hah, as it is I hardly talk about my problems, only when I'm feeling really down.
You will NEVER understand me. You will NEVER 'know me well enough'. You will NEVER get any closer than this. You will NEVER play a part in my life.
Just leave me alone.
One more thing, if you think it's you that's being mentioned in this entry, NEVER ask me about it because I'll think you all the more stupid for even asking.
Yah I'm an asshole. Duh.

Spiral into Nevaeh.
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