Shoot is finally done, I'm sunburnt, and I feel like shit.
Everything's so cluttered up in my mind. I hardly know a day from another. Hah, why does it even matter when everything is meaningless.
I've long stopped asking questions because they'll never be answered anyway. Why even bother?
I try to help my friend, and she blows me off. Fuck it, I'm keeping my mouth shut. I'm not gonna question your 'experience' and your 'academic prowess' anymore. You know what, you can say what you want, do what you want. It doesn't concern me anyway.
I lead an extremely stupid and mundane life. I wish all these would just go away.
Yeah, go away.
oooo.. you angry angry boy.. people don't give a damn most of the time whether others are trying to help them or whatever.. its human nature to be selfish.. and in your case.. its human nature to show concern.. some people give.. some people take.. that's the way it is.. you just need to figure out if you're the giver or the taker and go find that other person to either give to or take from.. you can't please the world.. but hell.. you can always please yourself and wish these people to hell.. *pats back* lighten up..
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