Pogosticks and glass tanks.
Here I am sacrificing what's left of my dignity into pleading for props for shoot. Sigh.
Okay now here's your chance either to 1) pay me back for any favours you owe me or 2) have me owe you a favour.
I need these things for shoot:
- A pogostick that a 20 year old can jump around on.
- A glass tank (those used for keeping fishes and the like), big enough to have a person stick his head into and drown himself.
- Old photos that you don't want. We're gonna be burning them so let us have all the photos you don't want e.g family, ex-significant others, whatever.
- A long white simple dress in size XS.
- Black hair spray.
- A bible of moderate size. We're gonna be tearing it up so any christian-turned-satanist may pass me their copy.
All the above mentioned material will be returned after shoot with the exception of the photos and the bible. Yes, it'll be well taken care of. Any damages incurred will be compensated in cash.
We're also looking for talents (ahem, I use the term loosely) for shoot. Actors/actresses needed are as follows:
- A middle aged chinese woman who has a knack for violence.
- A girl of any race who is willing to makeout with a really handsome guy. Girl must have long hair. You will be keeping your clothes on and it's only one shot.
- An androgynous guy who looks to be about 20.
All actors/actresses will not be paid but meals, transport, cigarettes, and breath mints will be provided for. And since it's only one shot each, not much time will be wasted.
I'm probably posting in vain.
Seriously, I need the props and the talent. So please please pleaseeeeeee contact me at zola5555@hotmail.com if you can help me. Any assistance rendered will be paid back in full in the future if you ever need my help.
So yeah.

We'll be shooting in Limbo.
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