Meet Deathcab and Bangbus.
I think I'm going crazy. I'm naming my Nissan Sunny, Deathcab and my van, the Bangbus. Hur hur hur. I'm such a retard.

Me and Deathcab.

Me and Bangbus.
Pictures taken courtesy of Weiliang. By the way, don't bother clicking on that link. He rarely updates (insert hint here) and I'm just linking him to be polite. He's the idiot on the left in the picture below.
Anyway to clarify my previous post, I just learnt today that Finch and Disturbed had a brawl onstage. Apparently, Randy Strohmeyer (guitarist of Finch) made some disparaging comment about David Draiman (vox of Disturbed) and Disturbed which involved shooting Draiman in the head and ripping off his piercings coz he thinks that it's 'fucking cheesy' 2 years ago. To a magazine somemore. Stupid like one kind. Obviously Disturbed didn't find it funny. So like 2 Saturdays ago, when Finch and Disturbed were supposed to play the same gig, Dan Donegan (guitarist of Disturbed) confronted Finch members and they started going at each other onstage. Mind you, Finch and their crew against just Draiman, Donegan and their manager ain't a joke. Security managed to separate them and Finch continued playing their set.
Okay here's the best part.
After Finch finished playing, they went backstage and guess who they found waiting for them. Disturbed + Sevendust + all their roadies who they managed to rally. I dunno what happened after that coz I forgot. Anyway it's not important coz it's fucking funny to see two international band acts fighting with each other HAHAHA. Emo vs metal. Metal wins. Muahahaha.
Okay stop.
Random stuff off the top of my head:
-Tagboard sucks. I want to get a new box thingamajig but I dunno which one's the best.
-This stupid script idea has been floating around in my head for a fucking long time already and I've yet to write it down. Fuck.
-I need to learn to play around with more camera angles. I think what I lack is confidence in my photography. I think I suck at photography. Fuck. GOTTA IMPROVEEEEE.
-I like my band.
-I dig girls.
-I dig girls.
-I dig girls.
-I dig girls.
-I dig girls.
-I still dig girls.
Females are a necessary evil. Just like cigarettes and alcohol and teh peng. Seriously can't imagine what my life would be like without females, cigarettes, alcohol and teh peng. No, I'm not in love with anybody. I just feel that I've got to say it. No, I'm not horny either. I'm a guy. I'm just following my instincts.
Okay I talking nonsense again.

Taken by me. Weiliang on the left, Dom aka Chao Botak on the right.
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